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Friday, August 18, 2017

Ocean in a Bottle

Ocean in a Bottle

For those who want a piece of the beach with you even if you can’t be near the ocean.

  • Gather your materials:
    1. Empty bottle
    2. Funnel
    3. Mineral Oil
    4. Blue Food color
    5. Small shells and other beach trinkets
    6. Water
    7. Glue or duct tape

  • Using your funnel, pour in your mineral oil until the bottle is about half full

  • Drop in a few drops of your food color. You don't need much. It will not mix with the oil.

  • Fill the bottle nearly to the top with water.  It’s best if you leave just a little bit of space at the top. The water will mix with the food color as you pour.

  • Add in your shells and other beach trinket

  • Glue or duct tape the lid in place
  • Enjoy a calming sea as you sway the bottle back and forth.

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