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Monday, September 11, 2017

Coffee Spice

Casablanca Coffee Spice

In addition to that delightful Sassy Salt, my mom and I made some fabulous coffee spices.  This spice is a Moroccan blend; it’s very subtle in flavor but oh so good.  If you add some of this to your coffee grounds prior to brewing your coffee, it will infuse the entire pot with these light, delicious tastes.  You could also just sprinkle some into your cup of joe in the morning.  It works well either way.  Let me know how you enjoy it.

The amounts listed below is good for a small pot of coffee.  When I sprinkle this into my coffee, I only use about ¼ teaspoon per cup.

¼ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp ginger
⅛ tsp ground pepper
⅛ tsp nutmeg
⅛ tsp cardamom
⅛ tsp cloves
⅛ tsp mace

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