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Friday, October 20, 2017

Chocolate Ganache

Chocolate Ganache

Creamy chocolate ganache filling for gourmet cupcakes

I am in love with baking, especially cupcakes.  There’s something about baking something that someone else will love that makes me very happy (it’s also a great stress reliever for me).  Along with the love of cupcakes came a time that I spent far more hours than I would care to admit watching Cupcake Wars.  In this show, I kept hearing about chocolate ganache filling.  It just sounded so decadent that I had to figure out how to make it and fill my cupcakes with it.  Fortunately, ganache is far easier to make than the name would imply.  This is the recipe that I use to make ganache for cupcake fillings.

When working with chocolate, be sure that all your materials are perfectly dry.  Any water can ruin your chocolate.


12 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips (about 1 ½ cups)
1 cup heavy whipping cream


  • Pour chocolate chips into a dry bowl
  • Pour heavy whipping cream into a dry saucepan.  Heat over medium heat until the cream starts to bubble.  Do not overheat, or you will scald the cream.
  • Remove from heat
  • Immediately pour over the chocolate chips so the chips are covered
  • Let sit for 1-2 minutes

  • Stir until the chips are melted and the ganache is a uniform consistency

  • If the ganache is not thick enough, refrigerate
  • After baking your cupcakes, core the cupcakes

  • Using a decorating bag, pipe the ganache into the cored cupcakes (or you can use a Ziplock bag with the corner snipped off)

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